Friday, November 23, 2012

Adding Fedora DVD as a repository in YUM (a useful hack for people with no internet connection)

Hi there,

This a very useful hack for installing packages in Fedora (all versions) when you don't have net available.

Required: Fedora DVD iso file

Step 1: Download the Fedora DVD iso file - whichever is appropriate for your system (32 bit or 64 bit).
Create an ISO from the DVD if you have one :
# dd if=/dev/cdrom of=fedora17.iso obs=8192K

Create a directory to mount the iso
# mkdir -p /mnt/fedora17
Now mount the iso file to the directory
# mount -ro loop fedora17.iso /mnt/fedora17

Step3: (Optional)
If you want to mount the ISO automatically the next time then do the following

# vi /etc/fstab
edit this file by adding the following line at the end
/path-to-the-iso/fedora17.iso /mnt/fedora17 iso9660 ro,loop 0 0

edit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo

Comment any line starting with 'baseurl' or 'mirrorlist' by prefixing #

add this line:

Now everything is done. If yum is not able to update some repository like update then goto /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory and append all the .repo files except fedora.repo to file.repo.bkp
Do it as follows
# mv fedora-update.repo fedora-update.repo.bkp

Step6: Happy updating and installing software without internet!!!

Please revert back for any errors, questions and suggestions!

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